Ask Fosca’s Podcast

The podcast ’15 with Fosca’ was born on a whim but has become something about which I am extremely passionate. 

15 with Fosca takes you on a journey to contemporary Italy and, through a plurality of voices, offers insights into Italian culture today. 

The podcast features authentic stories from Italy in real time. It also strives to create and build a sense of community across space and borders through conversations about what’s going on in Italian society right now.

A SEAT AT THE TABLE featuring Catalin Varela

An Extraordinary Life featuring Amira Makhlouf

It’s our pleasure! Meet La CLIT – Coffee Literature Inspiration & (sex) Toys featuring Giulia Heuser

Travels in Hyper Reality (TV) featuring Fosca D’Acierno interviewed by Andrew Niklas

A Winemaker in Paradise featuring Alyson Morgan

You have Time: Slow Life Lessons (Part 2) featuring Sandrine Kom

You have Time: Slow Life Lessons (Part I) featuring Sandrine Kom

Feeding Your Soul and Sharing Your Craft (Part 2) featuring Elia Nichols

Feeding Your Soul and Sharing Your Craft (Part I) featuring Elia Nichols

Approaching Dante: Inferno to Paradise (Part 2) Featuring Riccardo Bruscagli

Approaching Dante: Inferno to Paradise (Part I) Featuring Riccardo Bruscagli

unPINNED! A Wine Revolution (Part 2) featuring Savannah Boylan & Ashwin Muthia