Italy, Islam & the Mediterranean(Part 2) featuring Ali Aydin Karamustafa

“I think for anyone who lives in Italy or is interested in Italy, it’s really valuable and interesting to keep those other connections in mind. The Mediterranean touches us all in some way or other.” Ali Aydin Karamustafa In part two of our conversation, Ali and I continue to discuss Italy’s relationship to its Mediterranean […]

Italy, Islam & the Mediterranean(Part I) featuring Ali Aydin Karamustafa

“I’m from Saint Louis, but I’m also originally Turkish and Iranian, so I have a basic experience with the Mediterranean. Coming to Italy there were a lot of things that were immediately recognizable, even just on the visceral level: sights, sounds, colors, smells, facial features. On the other hand, I was surprised by how much […]

Beautiful Deep: A Journey of Faith, part 2, Featuring Sherrita Duran

“I think the world right now is so dark, darker than ever, you know, and I think about what I can do and in whatever capacity I can, I want to be the opposite of that. I want to bring light. I want to bring faith.” Sherrita Duran In the second half of my conversation […]

Beautiful Deep: A Journey of Faith, part 1, Featuring Sherrita Duran

Beautiful Deep: A Journey of Faith, Part 1 Featuring Sherrita Duran “I fell in love with opera, I fell in love with Puccini and Verdi, and I went to USC (University of Southern California), to the music school there, because that was my passion. I’m going to be an opera singer. That’s all I want […]

The Power of Leaving & Returning, part 2 featuring Lucia Ducci

“Going back to Sarah Parker Remond, this city has a long history of what nowadays we call inclusion. At the time it was cosmopolitanism, right? This city is very, very open and welcoming and, you know, it has its challenges, but I would like to quote a student of mine who last week told me […]

The Power of Leaving & Returning, part 1 featuring Lucia Ducci

“So, all these practical or academic challenges that we might encounter or have encountered are really important steps that helped me, that help anybody, who’s on this path to grow and to progress, personally and academically; and this is the most important thing, progress, to progress, that you are progressing.” Lucia Ducci This first part […]

La Giustizia & Il Futuro, Part 2, featuring Sara Celati

In questa seconda parte della mia chiacchierata con Sara Celati entriamo di più nella sua storiapersonale, parlando dei suoi prossimi obiettivi, le sue passioni e com’è stato partecipare come concorrente e vincere uno dei game show più amati dagli italiani, l’Eredità. Continuiamo a riflettere sul lavoro e lo studio, sulle ingiustizie e la giustizia e […]