Riding the Tide in Venice featuring Julia Curtis

“I think that there’s an etiquette that every tourist that travels the world should have. And I think that there’s a conscientiousness that cities like Venice or Florence, that are really unique in the world, need to step back and say, how do we have more sustainable tourism?” Julia Curtis In this special, long episode, […]

Vote from Abroad! Featuring Leyani Redditi & Jane Zaloga

Whether you are a first time voter, a seasoned one, or are voting from abroad for the first time, you will not want to miss this special episode of 15 with Fosca, featuring special guests, Leyani Redditi and Jane Zaloga, respectively Chair and Vice Chair of Central Italy for Democrats Abroad.    If you are […]

On finding joy and living life in balance (Part 2) Featuring Eleanor Walker

“From my experience, there’s a very different attitude towards careers here; generally speaking, your job doesn’t define you. Whenever I speak to Italians, they never ask that as their first question, it’s never ‘what do you do,’ or ‘what’s your job’? They’re more interested in the life that you live around your job, which is […]

Il Mentoring: Ascolto, Riflessione & Fiducia (Part I) Featuring Matteo Perchiazzi

Registrato il 12 Marzo 2024 a Musikalmente Firenze “La metodologia del mentoring da costrutto, proprio come base iniziale, fa sì che il Mentor metta a disposizione la propria esperienza non solo professionale, ma anche di vita.” Matteo Perchiazzi Oggi giorno sentiamo tanto parlare di mentoring ma che cos’è realmente e che importanza ha il mentoring […]