Il Mentoring: Ascolto, Riflessione & Fiducia (Part I) Featuring Matteo Perchiazzi

Registrato il 12 Marzo 2024 a Musikalmente Firenze “La metodologia del mentoring da costrutto, proprio come base iniziale, fa sì che il Mentor metta a disposizione la propria esperienza non solo professionale, ma anche di vita.” Matteo Perchiazzi Oggi giorno sentiamo tanto parlare di mentoring ma che cos’è realmente e che importanza ha il mentoring […]

Ask Fosca! Listener Questions Answered featuring Mark Scott

Recorded on May 7, 2024 at Musikalmente Firenze We are celebrating one year of the podcast with an entire episode dedicated to you, our listeners, and to your questions about Italy, Italians, and Italian culture. Don’t miss this q&a with Mark Scott, a University of Missouri journalism major and Ask Fosca’s very first intern. Mark […]

Italy Inside You: Adventures, Connections & Metamorphoses featuring Emma Wood

“Italy changed my DNA in a sense. After a career spanning several different things, a year ago, I launched my executive coaching business. I’m working with execs, founders, and rising leaders. Through a coaching perspective I wanted some of the same things that I love about Italy, like slowing down and really connecting and getting […]

Unveilings: Restoration up close and personal with Elizabeth Wicks

“You have a relationship with the artist. This was a painting in which she put an idealized version of her face, so I am looking at her and working on her and we were communicating on so many different levels.” Elizabeth Wicks on restoring Artemisia Gentileschi’s Allegory of Inclination. This past March, Elizabeth Wicks, renowned […]

Mama Mia! What’s cooking with the Mama Florence Family

This past April, I sat down with members of the Mama Florence family to chat with them about their relationship with Italian cuisine, their first and most significant food memories and moments, their favorite dishes, and why they love the work they do. What comes out in our conversations is just how inextricably linked food […]

The Art of Sprezzatura featuring Alexandria Brown-Hejazi

“I really felt like I came alive here. Life felt simultaneously easier and harder, but underneath all of that, more inspiring and enlivening. And it’s something that I just couldn’t leave.” Alexandria Brown-Hejazi In this special, long episode featuring art historian Alexandria Brown-Hejazi, we begin by speaking about her journey from California to Italy, in […]